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In Hollywood, actors are divided over the contract with Studios – Cinema

Fresh off a four-month strike, American actors are finding no peace. The union base is divided over the agreement reached on November 8 with production studios and streaming companies. While executives and Sag-Aftra president Fran Drescher tout the agreement as “the most profitable, innovative and protective in the history of the entertainment union,” discontent is spreading at events and on social media.
Some doubts appeared as early as November 10, when the Sag-Aftra National Council ratified the agreement with 14 percent against, after a longer and more tense meeting than expected. She then passed the word on to members, who are asked to comment online by December 8.
Their approval is necessary to definitively close the dispute, even if they have not yet received the full memorandum of agreement, but only an extract of 18 pages. “They sent us a summary and are explaining it to us on Zoom,” complains Lola Scarpitta, a union organizer, who adds: “How do they expect us to vote for something we haven’t even read?”.
The chorus of dissent has prominent voices. Matthew Modine, for example, is part of the 14% who rejected the newly signed pact and is ready to vote against it again. “Consensus, in the context of this agreement, is tyranny, subjugation,” he wrote in a statement, complaining about the lack of transparency of the leaders, who are looking for a basis for a vote of confidence – almost. The actor, who has appeared from Full Metal Jacket to Oppenheimer, passing through Stranger Things, would like to return to the negotiating table to eliminate points related to artificial intelligence: “they leave room for the digital exploitation of actors in ways that exceed our ability to predict and controls,” he said.

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