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Fun work mobilizes, “the government betrays us” – Cinema

Workers in the entertainment sector, trade associations, self-organized coordinations and unions jointly reject the approach given by the Government to the legal decree aimed at the reorganization and revision of shock absorbers and fees in the entertainment business and announce for Monday 27 Italy. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., workers will gather in a rally “in symbolic places of entertainment to build together the necessary response to this serious attack on the world of culture and work” in a measure they call “indignity” and which they rate as “another useless and offensive annual bonus.” . “The provision, which was definitively voted on November 15 in the joint commissions for labor and culture, betrays – say the entertainment workers in a joint communication – the spirit of the enabling law voted in 2022 that provided for the establishment of a structural and permanent allowance for discontinuity, and worsens the dramatic and complex managing labor relations by not encouraging the creation of undeclared work, diverting already allocated funds and limiting access to social assistance by introducing another, useless and insulting annual bonus, which is also not cumulative with other universal institutions such as maternity, accident and illness”. “We repeated both publicly and in parliamentary commissions clear rejection of government rule, but – they add – the current majority did not listen to the words of the workers: therefore, in Milan, Rome, Naples and other cities, the joint mobilization will be repeated that the entertainment reform must respond to the real needs of the sector by recognizing its peculiarities through the introduction of forms of social assistance in line with other European countries”.

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