
Biden says a “revitalized Palestinian Authority” should eventually govern Gaza and the West Bank

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President Joe Biden He says that achieving a ceasefire amid Israel’s war with Hamas is “not peace,” and that an important key to achieving lasting stability is the reunification of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, which can be governed under a “renewed Palestinian authority.”

in An op-ed published Saturday in The Washington PostBiden reiterated his position he took in recent weeks that a temporary cessation of fighting is not a real possibility and will not ultimately lead to achieving greater American goals. The president and senior US officials did so Instead, he revived talk of working toward a two-state solution To rule Gaza.

Biden used the op-ed to provide more detail about what the working process to achieve this larger goal might look like.

“As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank must be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a renewed Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution,” Biden wrote. “I have been emphasizing with Israel’s leaders that extreme violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop, and that those who commit acts of violence must be held accountable.”

He added, “The United States is prepared to take our own steps, including issuing a visa ban against extremists who attack civilians in the West Bank.”

The United States provides weapons and intelligence support to Israel as part of its attack on Gaza with the aim of eliminating Hamas after its invasion. October 7 attackWhich killed more than 1,200 people. Biden has repeatedly spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said he is working for the release of hostages held by Hamas, including some Americans.

At least 11,400 Palestinians have been killed since the war began, according to the Ministry of Health in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. No difference Between the dead civilians and militants.

Demonstrators demanding a ceasefire in Gaza organized protests across the country, including And this week, clashes with police outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Former campaign staffers who helped elect Biden in 2020, as well as current members of his administration, signed letters urging a ceasefire. In his article, Biden explained why he opposes the idea.

He wrote: “As long as Hamas clings to its destructive ideology, the ceasefire is not peace.” “For Hamas members, every ceasefire is a time they use to rebuild their rocket stock, reposition fighters, and start killing by attacking innocents again.”

Biden also noted that “an outcome that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza would once again perpetuate its hatred and deprive Palestinian civilians of the opportunity to build something better for themselves.”

The president also argued that working toward long-term goals that could rise above the current turmoil would ultimately make the United States safer.

“We must never forget the lesson we have learned time and time again throughout our history: through tragedy and great uprising, tremendous progress can be achieved,” he wrote. “More hope. More freedom. Less anger. Less complaint. Less war. “We must not lose our resolve to pursue these goals, because now is the time when clear vision, big ideas and political courage are needed most.”

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