
On Biden’s 81st birthday, Trump publishes a doctor’s note stating that he is in “excellent” health.

NEW YORK (AP) — The Republican Party’s front-runner Donald Trump Marked President Joe Biden ‘s His 81st birthday is on Monday By issuing a letter from his doctor stating that the former president is in “excellent” physical and mental health.

the message It was posted on Trump’s social media platform It did not contain any details to back up its claims – measures such as weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or the results of any tests. Dr. Bruce A. reported Aronwald, a New Jersey doctor who says he has been Trump’s physician since 2021 and examined him as recently as September, said that Trump’s “physical examinations were within the normal range and his cognitive tests were exceptional.”

He added that Trump’s latest lab results were “more positive than previous tests on some of the most important parameters” thanks to his recent weight loss, which he attributed to “improving diet and continuing daily physical exercise, while maintaining a strict schedule.”

The doctor concluded that the 77-year-old “currently enjoys excellent health” and “will continue to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle for years to come.”

The report comes as age emerges as a major issue in the 2024 election, which could find Trump and Biden, the country’s oldest president, facing off once again.

While Trump is not much younger than Biden, Polls consistently find t Americans view age as a greater burden on the president. that August poll From the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that 77% of American adults, including 69% of Democrats, view Biden as too old to be effective for another four years, while only 51% of adults — and 28 percent Only 100% of Republican Americans said the same about Trump.

However, Trump’s rivals are trying to highlight his age Drawing attention to his recent mistakesIncluding mixing up the city and state in which he was campaigning.

“The presidency is not a job for an 80-year-old,” the Florida governor said. One of Trump’s rivals, Ron DeSantis, told CNN on Sunday, introducing himself as a man “in the prime of my life.”

Testimonials to Trump’s toughness from his own doctors have become a genre of their own.

In late December 2015, during his first campaign for the Republican nomination, the Trump campaign issued a glowing letter from the late Dr. Harold N. In it, Bornstein claimed that Trump, a known fast food fan who avoids vigorous exercise, would “unequivocally” be the “healthiest person ever elected to the presidency.”

Bornstein It was later revealed that Trump had dictated The same glowing assessment, calling it “dark humor” and admitting he wrote it in five minutes while a limousine sitting next to the then-candidate waited outside his office.

“I just made it up as I went along,” he told CNN in 2018. It’s like the movie “Fargo.” “It takes the truth and moves it in a different direction.”

While in the White House, Trump’s doctors provided a more complete picture of his health after annual physicals that included numbers and test results.

For example, his medical examination in 2019 revealed that he was officially considered obese, while his examination in 2018 revealed that he was obese. A common form of heart disease.

However, it was Dr. Ronnie Jackson, who was working in the White House at the time He gave a glowing report during a lengthy news conference About the test in which he praised Trump’s “amazing genes” — “It’s the way God made him,” he said — and joked that if the 71-year-old president had eaten a healthy diet over the past 20 years, “he might live to be 200.” general.”

Jackson also said Trump performed “very well” on a surprise cognitive screening test designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other mild cognitive impairment. Trump continues to brag about the results to this day.

Aronwald did not immediately respond to a message left at his office.

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